About this Blog

Music Ed Lounge is focused especially to instrumental music teachers who work with beginning and intermediate level students. Since I teach public school as well as private lessons, my posts will deal with both settings.

My basic goals for this blog are the following:

1. Provide practical information such as tips and techniques for various instruments, ideas about curriculum and literature, etc.

2. Inspire and encourage music teachers

3. While avoiding the “Dear Diary” blog syndrome, I do plan to share experiences which will hopefully have some meaning and relevance to other teachers.

Thanks for visiting!

5 thoughts on “About this Blog

  1. I am pleased to find your blog! This is great that you are willing to put topics out for discussion so we all can join in and offer advice and opinions. I am including a link to your blog, and I would further encourage you to hook up with Joe Pisano over at Mustech.net. He has started a campaign to advocate the start of a Music Ed/Technology Bloggers. It is worth the trip as Mustech is a great site. Thank you for stopping by Composing Like Mad and let’s keep the conversation going!

  2. Howdy and thanks for the comment on my blog about assessments. This is a much needed blog for instrumental music teachers…I look forward to reading and commenting on your blog. And thanks for the link to my blog on your blogroll…I will return the favor.

  3. Steve, I just found your website. Great Job. My website shares some similarities to yours and our lives, although 40 years removed, I am now retired having quit public school for a full time private practice professional music career, are remarkably similar, also. Check out http://www.jackmartindale.com when you get a chance. I wish I had seen some of your advice when I was teaching.
    John (Jack) Martindale.

  4. John/Jack,
    Thanks for your kind words. Sometimes I feel like I should rename this blog “Stuff I’m Learning As I Go Along.” When I think back to my earliest years teaching (which weren’t so long ago), I made some mistakes and had some misconceptions. Hopefully sharing my experiences will benefit readers.
    Best wishes as you dive into this next chapter of your career!

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